Serving One Lord Resources

Sherree G. Funk

To teach and engage

Bible studies for the next generation

To share someone's story

helping friends write and publish

To express delight

In God’s Word and in the beauty of his creation
Teen Bible study - Hannah Unhinged by Sherree Funk


Perfect Storm of Problems

I wanted to write a teen bible study about Hannah, the mother of Samuel  because she faced a perfect storm of problems, as many teens do today. First, she suffered from a condition she could do nothing about: childlessness. Then, perhaps because of her condition, her husband took an additional wife, one who bore children easily. This dysfunctional family situation was bad enough, but the other wife, Peninnah, taunted Hannah mercilessly.

Bullied but not Defeated

Hannah provides an example of grace under pressure, not only in handling her condition and her difficult family situation, but also in dealing with the mean taunts and bullying. Everyone needs to know how to handle bullying, one of the toughest issues in schools today.

Prayer Changes Everything

When Hannah finally came ‘unhinged,’ she prayed. Hannah Unhinged, a seven-week study, covers Hannah’s reaction to her problems and God’s answer to her prayers. Samuel, the first son born to Hannah, became a key figure in the history of Israel, even selecting David as Israel’s first king. Hearing from God in the midst of chaos is always a challenge. But Samuel heard from God as a young boy in the temple. Prayer is vital. Hannah’s story proves how even one desperate heartfelt prayer can change everything.

Teen Bible Study - Joshua Strong and Courageous


A Study in Leadership

It’s about leadership. We know Joshua became a great leader for Israel, but this study gets into the back story. There’s a lot more to Joshua’s bio than the battle of Jericho. Joshua grew up as a slave in Egypt and spent many long years, not as leader, but as apprentice to Moses. He served faithfully as Moses’ assistant while learning the key to great leadership: a close relationship with God.

Waiting is Worthwhile

Teens want to hurry into adulthood, often overlooking the valuable lessons to be learned while waiting. I want young people to see the patient, mentoring relationship between Joshua and Moses.  Then they’ll see how Joshua’s leadership qualities blossomed from seeds planted by Moses.

Follow Joshua’s Life in this Teen Bible Study

So the eight-week teen bible study begins in Exodus, and follows Joshua’s life story through Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua. Color photographs and lots of cross-testament study make the workbook both fun and challenging.

Teen Bible Study - Ruth and Boaz by Sherree Funk

Ruth and Boaz: Woman of Excellence, Man of Honor

A Love Story

A love story filled with boldness and blessing, born of trust and respect. The book of Ruth is the amazing story of an outsider widow who loyally travels with her bitter mother-in-law to a whole ‘nother country. In the process she finds both a true faith and a true love.  It has a lot to attract today’s teenagers.

Excellent Character

Ruth shows the depth of her character in every action she takes. Her qualities are those of a true Proverbs 31 woman — a woman of excellence.  She doesn’t seek her own pleasure.  But God works out a beautiful marriage for her and Boaz, knowing all the while how He will use them both in his lineage for David the King.

Godly Relationships

Teens will gain valuable insights on building godly relationships with the opposite sex. The eight-week teen bible study includes a chapter on Proverbs 31.

Teen Bible Study - Lydia of Philippi by Sherree Funk

Lydia of Philippi - Believer in the Lord

I wrote Lydia of Philippi when a group of young girls begged me for a Saturday morning bible study. I couldn’t say no.

A Strong, Confident Woman

Though Lydia appears only briefly in scripture, we see a strong woman with beautiful character. I wanted young girls to learn from Lydia’s example. Lydia was smart, capable, confident and also gracious, inviting, and generous. The first known convert to Christianity in Europe, Lydia used her gracious hospitality and generous spirit in support of the fledgling church in Philippi founded by Paul.

“Rejoice, I Say, Rejoice”

Paul’s joy-filled letter to the Philippians has much to teach us as well. His first visit to Philippi, recorded in Acts 16, was colored with joy and pain and high drama. The church he started there was a mixed bag, and no doubt Lydia played hostess for many church events. What young girl doesn’t love parties?

Character Building in a Teen Bible Study

Hospitality, generosity, and joy – godly traits for anyone, especially young women. This teen bible study is fun and interactive, with color photographs and maps. It’s perfect for a small group to cover in eight weeks.

Teen Bible study - Peter Rock Star by Sherree Funk

Peter Rock Star from Galilee

From Fisherman to Rock Star

How did Peter grow from rough ‘n tumble fisherman to silver-tongued preacher?  There is more to learn about Peter than his brief walk on the Sea of Galilee.  From his bold statement of faith to his bold denials of Jesus, Peter shows us that mistakes don’t keep us from following Jesus. Teens will relate to Peter’s impulsive, emotional nature and be carried along on a journey of discipleship that they can aspire to.

Peter and Jesus

Any study of Peter is also a study of Jesus and the gospel still transforms those who read it. Peter went on to do amazing things in Acts beginning with his Pentecost preaching and continuing with miracles and prison escapes.  He wrote two letters as well, from which we see a mature Peter passing on earned wisdom.

Music to Learn By

Engaging discussion questions are augmented by Christian music playlists that complement each week’s theme in this unconventional teen bible study.

Want help publishing your dream?

I can help.  With selected projects, I can help edit, format, and publish your creation.  See below for some of my collaborations.

My Friend Kaye Kvam

We lived together for a year in college.  Kaye had just returned from six months in the mountains of Mexico where she had volunteered in a medical “clinic” with no running water, no doctors, and only the minimum of medicines and supplies. Twenty years later, after losing contact in the 1980s, we reconnected.

Kaye wanted to write a book about her time in Mexico, but her health was declining with her recent ALS diagnosis.  I wanted to help. So we began.  Kaye wrote from her saved journals, letters, and memories.  Our friend Nancy transcribed Kaye’s words. Finally, I edited and formatted the book for publication.

Kaye signed a copy for me a couple weeks before she passed away. Chilar (Chee-lahr): Journey of a Lifetime is Kaye’s story.

Tales of Fuji - Ancient Stories Bringing the Mountain to Life

Haruka Konagaya Goetsch has translated her grandfather’s book of Fuji-inspired tales and created a beautiful book in English with full-color photographs of story locations.  A wonderful guide both to Japanese Fuji culture and to adventures at Mt. Fuji.  

Water for the Children with World Vision

Across the globe, millions of girls like Violet walk for hours every day to collect water for their families.   Not only is the water scarce, but it is ridden with illness-causing bacteria from which many will die.  World Vision is working to end this long walk for water in a hundred of the most impoverished countries.  I am convinced we in America can do a lot more to help our neighbors rise out of extreme poverty.  The first best gift is the gift of clean water.

My husband and I will travel to Ethiopia in January to see a pipeline that will help an entire community have easy access to reliable clean water.  Watch for an update in my blog. 


She Dares to Hope

A child wakes in the dark of night, the air cool on her face. She wants to just curl back to sleep on her mat, but her mom’s soft nudge tells her it’s time to go.  Violet stands, rubs her eyes, and slips on a skirt and top. Her bare feet take swift steps to the place in the hut where she left the large soiled jug.  With no words, she starts down the steep path.  When she hears a noise from the bush, her heart jumps, but she must go on — four long miles to the pond.

With a small cup she fills her jug.  It’s not cold, not clean.  Leaves and twigs and bugs float by.  Silt clouds the pool.  Her friend — her best friend — is sick from this foul stuff they all must drink.  With no choice and no cure, Violet’s friend might die.

As the stars fade in the pale dawn sky, she lifts her gaze.  Why, God? The jug, soon full, now weights her down.  With one hand she holds it there on her head and starts back. The way home is just as long, only now lit by gold streams of light from the east. She squints and steps with care.

Once home, she grabs her books and runs to school like a slave set free.  Violet breathes hard and takes her seat, keen to learn.  She dares to hope she might one day treat the sick, make them well, help them live.  Lord Jesus, I trust in you. Bless us with a well.  Give me life that is full. 

           by Sherree G. Funk , 2017

          Published in Short and Sweet too – More Small Words for Big Thoughts, Still Warm, Still Wise, Still Witty         Compiled and Edited by Susan Cheeves King


Poems and Pictures

This, God's Glory


Frothy peaks on sea-green rollers

pushing ever towards the shore

Frantic sea birds dart for morsels

east, then west, then back for more.


While I’m lulled in simple pleasure

by the ocean’s crushing sound

Small white shells the size of nickels

dot the sloping sugary ground.


How the finite meets the heavens

Farther than my eyes can see

Grateful heart for this, God’s glory

Shimmering in front of me.





Sherree Funk – Pensacola, Florida – May, 2016

published in Altarwork


Sherree Funk Author Teen Bible studies

Sherree G. Funk

This is My Story

I grew up in Southern California and majored in Geology at UC Davis. Then with an MS in Geology from the University of Washington, I worked as an Exploration Geologist for Shell in Houston until about the time our first child was born.  With more time on my hands, and with a deepened commitment to Jesus Christ, I got involved in serious Bible study. This interest grew steadily through Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), Disciple Bible Study, and many Beth Moore studies. I taught adults and teens at church and served several years as Children’s Director for a new Community Bible Study (CBS) class in Pittsburgh. Online coursework at Asbury Theological Seminary enhanced my Bible knowledge and teaching style. Teaching the Bible to all ages has been a real joy for about 28 years. I have written and led group studies for teens and adults, and learned how to publish them through Ingram for wide distribution. I love helping others write, edit, and publish their stories. And with the Spirit’s nudging, I write devotionals, poetry and blogs about God’s amazing work, word and world. My husband and I enjoy traveling and supporting World Vision.  Ending the World Water crisis is an achievable goal and we are committed to help as much as we can.  Our children are grown and scattered across the country. Avoiding weather extremes, we winter in New Orleans and summer in Pittsburgh, but travel when we can to Africa and natural wonders across our country, currently on a quest to see ALL the U S National Parks.